We are proud to provide quality supportive services across the lifespan. Serving adults/youth seniors, individual with ( I/DD) disabilities, mental health, alcohol and substance abuse to ensure they receive the highest quality of independence care through contracted services.
We are contracted with most major MCO’s.
We are contracted with most major MCOs.
Supported Services for Children and Teens
We offer a wraparound services model that meet the behavioral health needs of youth in our community. A one stop shop. We provide programs for individuals and offer group support when appropriate. Depending on the service, our staff may work with clients in their home, in the community, at school or in one of our facilities. We also offer services to support the whole family.
C Renee's professional team have years of experience working successfully with children and adolescents, with severe physical, developmental or emotional disabilities. We are here to help your children and family work on the issues that are leading to a stressful home life and develop healthy practices that will support your child's success at school and in the community.
We can train and support in:
Daily Living Skills Training
Consumer Education & Training
Individual & Group Consulting
Prevocational/ Soft Skills Training
Supportive Home Care
Respite Care
Targeted Case Management
Supported Employment (Individual/Small Groups)
How to get our services.
C Renee is a contracted Support Services provider with Milwaukee County (DHHS- DSD) Services. Participants must be residents of Milwaukee County and currently participating in the Children’s Long-Term Support (CLTS) Waiver Program.
Supported Services for Seniors/Adults with Disabilities
Our comprehensive services make it possible for seniors
and adults with disabilities to continue living at home independently where they are most comfortable and integrated in community employment settings.
Continued services:
Behavioral/Treatment Services
Daily Living Skills Training
Consumer Education and Training
Fiscal Agent/Financial Services
Housing Support
Respite Care
Supported Employment Individual/Group
Targeted Case Management
C Renee is an Adult's Long-term Support Wavier Provider contracted with most HMO's and MCO's.
Contact us to confirm if your insurance is accepted or if we can assist you in navigating through the insurance maze.
We can serve our members either in home, in the community or at our agency.
For a full description of our programs book a free consultation.

In 1993, Cynthia’s father was diagnosed with Stage 2 lung cancer. It was during this time, Cynthia realized how important it was to have a care provider in the home that is trustworthy and reliable. Cynthia’s family relied heavily upon each other to support her father’s personal and medical needs. Training family members was a vital task easily fulfilled by Mrs. Brown due to her work experience as a certified nursing assistant (CNA) and nursing student.
Cynthia realized the more care that was being provided, her dad (the client) felt less independent. She quickly understood the importance of clients wanting to maintain some sense of their independence but most importantly their dignity. In 1999, after her dad unfortunately lost his battle with lung cancer at the young age of 55, Cynthia continued her passionate work by caring for her mother in 2004. She provided for and managed the ongoing home care services by nursing her back to good health after battling stage four cancer, strokes, brain aneurysms, and seizures. The doctor attributed her mother’s 8-year cancer-free battle to the compassionate and quality care that Cynthia and her family provided her mother at home during her illnesses.
C Renee Consulting and Management Group (CRC) Division of Supportive Service was established in 2017 to further assist what society would consider “hard to employ and hard to serve” individuals. This includes but is not limited to Seniors, People with disabilities, At-Risk youth, and Re-Entry Citizens to achieve their highest level of independence by providing them with quality supportive in-home care and wrap-around services.